• 10:00

    Unemployment Rate


    In China, Urban Surveyed Unemployment Rate is calculated by a sample survey, which refers to the ratio of urban unemployed population to the sum of the employed population and the unemployed population.

  • 10:00

    Retail Sales YoY


    In China, the year-over-year change in Retail sales compares the aggregated sales of retail goods and services during a certain month to the same month a year ago.

  • 10:00

    Industrial Production YoY


    In China, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

  • 10:00

    Fixed Asset Investment (YTD) YoY


    In China, urban investment in fixed assets is one of the main measures of capital spending. It refers to investment in construction projects with a total planned investment of 5 million yuan; machinery and equipment and real estate development in both urban and rural areas. It refers to investment made by state-owned enterprises and private businesses, institutions or individuals.

  • 10:00

    NBS Press Conference

  • 09:30

    House Price Index YoY


    In China, Housing Index is measured by year-over-year change in the index of newly built residential buildings in 70 medium and large cities. The index is calculated in weighted average method and the weight of each city is based on the population.

  • 08:00

    Mid-Autumn Festival

  • 07:50

    Machinery Orders YoY


    In Japan, Machinery Orders refers to the month-over-month change of the private sector machinery orders, excluding volatile ones for ships and those from electric power companies.

  • 07:50

    Machinery Orders MoM


    In Japan, Machinery Orders refers to the month-over-month change of the private sector machinery orders, excluding volatile ones for ships and those from electric power companies.

  • 07:01

    RICS House Price Balance

    The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) House Price Balance measures the percentage of surveyors reporting a house price rise in their designated area, minus those reporting a fall. A level above 0% indicates more surveyors reported a rise in prices; below indicates more reported a fall.

  • 01:00

    Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count

    US Crude Oil Rigs refer to the number of active US rigs drilling for oil in a given week.

  • 01:00

    Baker Hughes Total Rigs Count

    US Total Rigs refer to the number of active US rigs drilling in a given week.

  • 12:00

    GDP Growth Rate YoY Final


    Russia is one of the world's leading producers of oil and natural gas and is also a top exporter of metals such as steel and primary aluminum. On the production side, services are the biggest sector of the economy and account for 58 percent of GDP. Within services the most important segments are: wholesale and retail trade (17 percent of total GDP); and public administration, health and education (12 percent). Industry constitutes 40 percent to total output and agriculture accounts for the remaining 2 percent.

Sep 2024