• 11:30

    6-Month Bill Auction

  • 11:30

    3-Month Bill Auction

  • 09:00

    6-Month BTF Auction

  • 09:00

    3-Month BTF Auction

  • 09:00

    12-Month BTF Auction

  • 09:00

    Fed Kashkari Speech

    In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.

  • 08:00

    Inflation Rate MoM


    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 08:00

    Inflation Rate YoY


    In India, the most important category in the consumer price index is Food and beverages (45.86 percent of total weight), of which Cereals and products (9.67 percent), Milk and products (6.61 percent), Vegetables (6.04 percent), Prepared meals, snacks, sweets, etc. (5.55 percent), Meat and fish (3.61 percent), and Oils and fats (3.56 percent). Miscellaneous accounts for 28.32 percent, of which Transport and communication (8.59 percent), health (5.89 percent), and education (4.46 percent). Housing accounts for 10.07 percent; Fuel and light for 6.84 percent; Clothing and footwear for 6.53 percent; and Pan, tobacco and intoxicants for 2.38 percent. Consumer price changes in India can be very volatile due to dependence on energy imports, the uncertain impact of monsoon rains on its large farm sector, difficulties transporting food items to market because of its poor roads and infrastructure and high fiscal deficit. In 2013, the consumer price index replaced the wholesale price index (WPI) as a main measure of inflation.

  • 08:00

    Consumer Confidence


    In Mexico, the Consumer Confidence Index (ICC) measures the current perception and future expectations that people have about their economic situation, their family and the country in general, in respect to the purchase of consumption durables and non-durables, as well as employment, inflation and savings. The index is based on a sample of 2336 households located in the 32 major cities of the country. The ICC has a base of 100 as of January of 2003, levels above 100 indicate optimism, 100 neutrality and below 100 pessimism.

  • 08:00

    Balance of Trade


    From the beginning of the past decade, Poland’s foreign trade turnover increased almost ten-fold. Poland exports processed fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy products, electromechanical products, vehicles, aircraft and vessels. Most of Poland's imports are capital goods needed for industrial retooling and for manufacturing inputs like machinery and transport equipment, chemicals, minerals, fuels and lubricants. European Union is by far its largest trading partner accounting for about 79% of exports and 64% of imports.

  • 08:00

    Current Account


    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 08:00

    IBC-BR Economic Activity


    In Brazil, the Economic Activity Index (IBC-Br) is considered as a preview of the GDP figures and it is widely used by the Central Bank's Monetary Policy Committee to determine whether to modify basic interest rate. The index reflects the performance of the three main sectors of the economy: agriculture, industry and services and has a base value of 100 as of 2002.

  • 07:30

    BCB Focus Market Readout

    In Brazil, interest rate decisions are taken by The Central Bank of Brazil's Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM). The official interest rate is the Special System of Clearance and Custody rate (SELIC) which is the overnight lending rate.

  • 06:00

    Current Account

    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 05:30

    12-Month Bubill Auction

  • 04:30

    BoE Dhingra Speech

    In the United Kingdom, benchmark interest rate is set by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). The Bank of England official interest rate is the repo rate. This repo rate applies to open market operations of the Bank of England with a group of counterparties (banks, building societies, securities firms).

  • 04:00

    Current Account


    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 02:30

    Producer & Import Prices MoM


    In Switzerland, the producer price index (which measures the price development of goods that are produced and sold by enterprises operating within the country) and the import price index (which measures the price development of imported goods) are combined into the price index for the whole range of goods. Only domestic sales are considered for the producer price index when combining the indices.

  • 02:30

    Producer & Import Prices YoY


    In Switzerland, the Producer Price Index (PPI) is officially named “Producer and Import Price Index”. Producer price index measures the price development of goods that are produced and sold by enterprises operating within the country and the import price index measures the price development of imported goods. Only domestic sales are considered for the producer price index when combining the indices.

  • 02:30

    WPI Food Index YoY


    In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).

  • 02:30

    WPI Fuel YoY


    In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).

  • 02:30

    WPI Manufacturing YoY


    In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).

  • 02:30

    WPI Inflation YoY


    In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).

  • 02:00

    Industrial Production MoM


    In Romania, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

  • 02:00

    Industrial Production YoY


    In Romania, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

  • 02:00

    CPIF MoM


    As of September 2017, the Riksbank uses the CPIF, the consumer price index with a fixed interest rate, as target variable for the inflation target. According to the central bank, "From a monetary policy perspective, one disadvantage of the CPI is that it is directly affected by changes in the policy rate. These adjustments have, through their impact on mortgage rates, large and direct effects on the CPI which are not connected to underlying inflationary pressures"..

  • 02:00

    CPIF YoY


    As of September 2017, the Riksbank uses the CPIF, the consumer price index with a fixed interest rate, as target variable for the inflation target. According to the central bank, "From a monetary policy perspective, one disadvantage of the CPI is that it is directly affected by changes in the policy rate. These adjustments have, through their impact on mortgage rates, large and direct effects on the CPI which are not connected to underlying inflationary pressures".

  • 01:00

    3-Year KTB Auction


  • 01:00

    Inflation Rate YoY


    In Finland, the most important category in the consumer price index is housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (25 percent of total weight). Food and non-alcoholic beverages accounts for 14 percent; transport for 13 percent and recreation and culture for 12 percent. Consumer price index in Finland also includes miscellaneous goods and services (7 percent); restaurants and hotels (7 percent) and furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance (5 percent). Health; alcoholic beverages and tobacco; clothing and footwear; communication and education account for remaining 17 percent of total weight.

  • 01:00

    Inflation Rate MoM


    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 08:01

    Construction PMI


    The Ulster Bank Construction Purchasing Managers’ Index® is a seasonally adjusted index designed to track changes in total construction activity in Ireland. Data are collected at mid-month, asking respondents to compare a variety of business conditions with the situation one month ago. A reading of below 50.0 indicates that the economy is generally declining, above 50.0 that it is generally expanding and exactly 50.0 indicates no change on the level recorded the previous month.

  • 08:00

    Thanksgiving Day

  • 08:00

    Health and Sports Day

  • 08:00

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ Adv

    Since gaining independence in 1963, Singaporean economy has been growing rapidly and as a result the country has now one of the highest GDP per capita in the world. The economy depends heavily on foreign trade; both from port activities and from exports of electronic components and refined oil. The country is a leading foreign direct investment recipient due to its status of one of the freest, most competitive and most business-friendly economies in the world. Singapore is also an important financial center.

  • 08:00

    GDP Growth Rate YoY Adv

    In Singapore, services are the biggest sector of the economy and account for 72 percent of GDP. Within services the most important segments are: wholesale and retail trade (18 percent of total GDP); business services (16 percent); finance and insurance (13 percent), transport and storage (10 percent) and information and communications (5 percent). Industry contributes the remaining 28 percent total output. Manufacturing (21 percent) and construction (5 percent) are the most important industry segments.

  • 05:45

    Electronic Retail Card Spending MoM


    In New Zealand, Electronic Retail Card Spending measures the credit card spending by individuals on consumables, durables, hospitality, apparel industry, motor vehicles and fuel. The electronic card transactions series covers all debit, credit, and charge card transactions with New Zealand-based merchants. It can be used to indicate changes in consumer spending and economic activity.

  • 05:45

    Electronic Retail Card Spending YoY


    In New Zealand, Electronic Retail Card Spending measures the credit card spending by individuals on consumables, durables, hospitality, apparel industry, motor vehicles and fuel. The electronic card transactions series covers all debit, credit, and charge card transactions with New Zealand-based merchants. It can be used to indicate changes in consumer spending and economic activity.

  • 05:30

    Services NZ PSI

    The Business NZ Performance of Services Index (PSI) is a composite index based on the diffusion indexes for sales, new orders, delivered, inventories and employment. A reading above 50 indicates an expansion of the Services sector compared to the previous month; below 50 represents a contraction; while 50 indicates no change.

  • 05:30

    Composite NZ PCI

  • 04:15

    RBNZ Gov Orr Speech

    In New Zealand, interest rates decisions are taken by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. The official interest rate is the Official Cash Rate (OCR). The OCR was introduced in March 1999 and is reviewed eight times a year by the Bank. The OCR influences the price of borrowing money in New Zealand and provides the Reserve Bank with a means of influencing the level of economic activity and inflation.

Oct 2024