• 09:00

    SIPMM Manufacturing PMI


    The Singapore PMI is a key barometer of a manufacturing sector in Singapore. A reading above 50 indicates that the factory activity is generally expanding and below 50 that the activity is generally declining.

  • 02:00

    Balance of Trade

    In the last few years, Brazil has been reporting trade surpluses, primarily due to high exports in the manufacturing industry (54 percent of total exports), mining (23 percent) and agricultural products (22 percent). Brazil's main imports are in the manufacturing industry (89 percent of total imports) with fuels and fertilizers comprising 18 percent of total imports. The biggest trade partners are: China (27 percent of total exports and 22 percent of total imports), the United States (11 percent of exports and 19 percent of imports), Argentina (5 percent of exports and 5 percent of imports). Others include: the Netherlands, Canada, Japan, Germany and Spain.

  • 01:00

    Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count

    US Crude Oil Rigs refer to the number of active US rigs drilling for oil in a given week.

  • 01:00

    Baker Hughes Total Rig Count

    US Total Rigs refer to the number of active US rigs drilling in a given week.

  • 12:00

    New Car Registrations YoY


  • 12:00

    New Car Registrations YoY