• 11:30

    8-Week Bill Auction

  • 11:30

    4-Week Bill Auction

  • 11:00

    EIA Gasoline Stocks Change

    Stocks of gasoline refers to the weekly change of the gasoline supply situation.

  • 11:00

    EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change

    Stocks of crude oil refer to the weekly change of the crude oil supply situation.

  • 11:00

    EIA Refinery Crude Runs Change

    Crude Runs refer to the volume of crude oil consumed by refineries.

  • 11:00

    EIA Gasoline Production Change

  • 11:00

    EIA Heating Oil Stocks Change

  • 11:00

    EIA Distillate Fuel Production Change

  • 11:00

    EIA Distillate Stocks Change

  • 11:00

    EIA Cushing Crude Oil Stocks Change

    Change in the number of barrels of crude oil held in storage at the Cushing, Oklahoma during the past week.

  • 11:00

    EIA Crude Oil Imports Change

  • 10:30

    EIA Natural Gas Stocks Change

    Natural Gas Stocks Change refers to the weekly change of the natural gas supply situation.

  • 10:15

    ECB President Lagarde Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 10:00

    Ivey PMI s.a


    The Ivey Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is an economic index which measures the month to month variation in economic activity as indicated by a panel of purchasing managers from across Canada, and is prepared by the Ivey Business School at Western University. The PMI includes both the public and private sectors and is based on month end data Ivey PMI panel members indicate whether their organizations activity is higher than, the same as, or lower than the previous month across the following five categories: purchases, employment, inventories, supplier deliveries and prices.A headline value above 50 indicates an increase in purchases from the previous month and a value below 50 indicates a decrease.

  • 09:45

    ECB Macroeconomic Projections

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 09:10

    Fed Powell Speech

    In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.

  • 09:00

    New Car Registrations MoM


    In Brazil, New Vehicle Registrations refers to total registration of new vehicles, including passenger cars, trucks and buses.

  • 09:00

    Car Production MoM


    In Brazil, car production measures the total number of manufactured cars including passenger cars, trucks and buses in the reference month.

  • 08:45

    ECB Press Conference

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 08:30

    Initial Jobless Claims

    Initial jobless claims have a big impact in financial markets because unlike continued claims data which measures the number of persons claiming unemployment benefits, Initial jobless claims measures new and emerging unemployment.

  • 08:30

    Continuing Jobless Claims

    Continuing Jobless Claims refer to actual number of unemployed and currently receiving unemployment benefits who filed for unemployment benefits at least two weeks ago.

  • 08:30

    Jobless Claims 4-week Average

  • 08:15

    ECB Interest Rate Decision

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 08:15

    Deposit Facility Rate

    The deposit facility, as a standing facility, aims to absorb overnight liquidity, signal the general stance of monetary policy and normally provides a floor for the overnight market interest rate. The deposit facility is used at overnight deposits with the national central banks.

  • 08:15

    Marginal Lending Rate

    In the Euro Area, the marginal lending facility aims to provide overnight liquidity, signal the general stance of monetary policy and normally provides a ceiling for the overnight market interest rate. This facility is available to eligible counterparties on their own initiative, subject to their fulfilment of certain operational access conditions. Counterparties can use the marginal lending facility to obtain overnight liquidity from the national central banks against eligible assets. Under normal circumstances, there are no credit limits or other restrictions on counterparties' access to the facility, apart from the requirement to present sufficient underlying assets. The marginal lending facility is administered in a decentralised manner by the national central banks.

  • 08:15

    ECB Fernandez-Bollo Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 07:30

    Foreign Exchange Reserves

    In Turkey, Foreign Exchange Reserves refer to gross foreign exchange reserves held or controlled by the country's central bank, excluding gold.

  • 07:00

    Core Inflation Rate MoM


    In Mexico, the core consumer price index tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes some volatile price items.

  • 07:00

    Inflation Rate MoM

    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 07:00

    Inflation Rate YoY

    In Mexico, the most important categories in the CPI basket are Nonfood Goods (19.7 percent of the total weight); Housing (18.7 percent) and Other Services (18.4 percent). Food, Beverages and Tobacco account for 14.8 percent and Energy for 9.5 percent. Others include: Products subsidized by the government (5.3 percent); Education (5.1 percent); Meat and Eggs (4.8 percent) and Fruits and Vegetables (3.7 percent). The CPI index has a base of 100 as of December of 2010. The national index tracks 46 large, medium and small cities.

  • 07:00

    Core Inflation Rate YoY


    In Mexico, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes some volatile price items.

  • 07:00

    Manufacturing Production MoM


    In South Africa, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in the manufacturing sector of the economy.

  • 07:00

    Manufacturing Production YoY


    In South Africa, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in the manufacturing sector of the economy.

  • 06:00

    Business Confidence


    In South Africa, the BER Business Confidence Index covers 1,400 business people in the building sector, 1,400 in the trade sector and 1,000 in manufacturing. The survey assesses the level of optimism that senior executives in the companies have about current and expected developments regarding sales, orders, employment, inventories and selling prices. The index varies on a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 indicates an extreme lack of confidence, 50 neutrality and 100 extreme confidence.

  • 05:30

    SACCI Business Confidence


    In South Africa, the SACCI Business Confidence Index reflects the neutral sentiment in the market place, as it captures the prevailing business climate and what businesses are experiencing. The index is composed by thirteen sub-indices, including energy supply, manufacturing, exports, imports, vehicle and retail sales, construction, inflation, share prices, private sector borrowing, financing cost, precious metal prices and exchange rate.

  • 05:00

    Budget Balance

    The government budget balance is the difference between government revenues and expenses. The budget is balanced when outlays equal to receipts, the country reports budget surplus when revenues are higher than expenses and deficit when expenses exceed the revenues.

  • 05:00

    Current Account


    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 04:00

    Unemployment Rate


    In Czech Republic, the unemployment rate shows the share of unemployed people between the ages of 15 and 64 immediately able to start work versus all working people in the same demographic group.

  • 03:00

    Inflation Rate MoM


    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 03:00

    Balance of Trade Prel

    Hungary's main exports are machinery and transport equipment, consumer goods, agricultural products, chemicals, apparel, textiles, iron and steel, and wine. Hungary's major imports are machinery and equipment, other manufactures and fuels and electricity. European Union is by far its largest trading partner, accounting for about 79% of exports and 76% of imports.

  • 03:00

    Inflation Rate YoY


    In Hungary, the most important category in the consumer price index is Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (21.3 percent of total weight). Transport accounts for 16.2 percent; Housing and Utilities for 13.2 percent; Alcoholic beverages and Tobacco for 8.3 percent; Recreation and Culture for 7.7 percent and Miscellaneous Goods and Services for 7.3 percent. Restaurants and Hotels; Health; Furniture, Household Goods and Maintenance; Communication; Clothing and Footwear and Education account for the remaining 26 percent of total weight.

  • 03:00

    Core Inflation Rate YoY


    In Hungary, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes some volatile price items.

  • 02:45

    Balance of Trade


    Since 2004, France has been recording trade deficits due the gradual erosion of the export-oriented industry, the appreciation of the euro and the increasing dependency on imports of energy and manufactured products. In 2017, the biggest trade deficits were recorded with: China & Hong Kong, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Belgium; while the biggest trade surpluses were recorded with: the Middle East, the UK, Africa and Switzerland.

  • 02:45

    Current Account


    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 02:45



    France exports mainly transport equipment (23 percent of total exports), of which aeronautics (12 percent) and automobile industry (10 percent). The country also exports mechanical equipment, electronic and computer equipment (19 percent); chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics (12 percent); agro-food industry products (10 percent); metallurgical and metal products (7 percent); pharmaceuticals (6 percent); textiles, leather (5 percent); rubber and plastic products, miscellaneous mineral products (4 percent); jewelry, toys, furniture (3 percent); and agricultural, forestry, fishery and aquaculture products (3 percent). Main export partners are: Germany (15 percent of total exports), Spain and Italy (8 percent each), the UK, the US and Belgium (7 percent each), China and the Netherlands (4 percent each).

  • 02:45



    France imports mainly mechanical equipment, electronic and computer equipment (21 percent of total imports); transport equipment (19 percent), of which aeronautics (11 percent) and automobile industry (7 percent); chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics (8 percent); agro-food industry products (8 percent); metallurgical and metal products (7 percent); natural hydrocarbons, other mining products, electricity (7 percent); textiles, leather (7 percent); jewelry, toys, furniture (5 percent); pharmaceuticals (5 percent); and rubber and plastic products, miscellaneous mineral products (5 percent). Main import partners are: Germany (16 percent of total imports), China (9 percent), Italy (8 percent), Belgium (7 percent), the US and Spain (6 percent each), the UK and the Netherlands (5 percent each).

  • 02:00

    Balance of Trade


    Denmark has been reporting consistent trade surpluses since 1988. Denmark is self-sufficient in energy producing oil, natural gas, wind and bio energy. Its principal exports are machinery, chemicals and food products. Denmark imports mainly machinery and equipment, raw materials and semi manufactures for industry, foodstuffs and chemicals. In 2017, the largest trade surpluses were recorded with the US, the UK, Norway, France and Russia, while the biggest trade deficits were recorded with Germany, the Netherlands, China and Sweden.

  • 02:00

    Current Account


    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 01:45

    Unemployment Rate


    In Switzerland, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force.

  • 01:30

    Private Non Farm Payrolls QoQ Final


    In France, Payroll Employment in the Private Sector refers to the number of persons, regardless of work duration, in employment on the last day of the quarter. Employment estimates are in all sectors. Until the third quarter of 2010, data refers only to mainland France. From the fourth quarter of 2010 onwards, employment estimates cover all France (excluding Mayotte).

  • 01:30

    Non Farm Payrolls QoQ


    In France, Payroll Employment refers to the number of persons, regardless of work duration, in employment on the last day of the quarter. Employment estimates are in all sectors and cover all France (excluding Mayotte).

  • 01:00

    Eco Watchers Survey Current


    The Economy Watchers Current Index measures the current mood of businesses that directly service consumers, such as barbers, taxi drivers, and waiters. The survey covers eleven regions across the country including Hokkaido, Tohoku, Northern Kanto, Southern Kanto, Tokai, Hokuriku, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa. There were 2,050 people selected among those engaged in jobs in industries. This enabled them to observe any developments that accurately reflect economic activities such as household activity, corporate activity, and employment. A reading above 50.0 indicates optimism; below indicates pessimism.

  • 01:00

    Eco Watchers Survey Outlook


    The Economy Watchers Survey Outlook measures the expected mood of businesses that directly service consumers, such as barbers, taxi drivers, and waiters. The survey covers eleven regions across the country including Hokkaido, Tohoku, Northern Kanto, Southern Kanto, Tokai, Hokuriku, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa. There were 2,050 people selected among those engaged in jobs in industries. This enabled them to observe any developments that accurately reflect economic activities such as household activity, corporate activity, and employment. A reading above 50.0 indicates optimism; below indicates pessimism.

  • 11:35

    6-Month Bill Auction


  • 11:00

    Consumer Confidence


    In Indonesia, the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) measures consumer’s expectations about current income and job availability against those 6 months ago, appropriate time to buy durable goods, and general economic conditions and job availability expectations in the next 6 months. The index is based on a survey of around 4600 middle up class households in major cities (those cities cover about 78 percent of GDP). Data is collected through phone interviews and direct visits. The two main components of the Index are the current economic condition index and the consumer expectation index. The CCI is computed as a net balance obtained from the difference between percentage on ’increase’ answer and percentage on ’decrease’ answer. An index above 100 indicates an improving outlook and below 100 a deteriorating outlook.

  • 09:30

    Balance of Trade


    In 2017 and 2018 Australia recorded trade surpluses mostly due to rise in a resource exports like natural gas, metal ores and minerals, coal, coke and briquettes and rural goods such as meat and cereals. The biggest trade surpluses are recorded with China, Hong Kong and Japan and New Zealand and the biggest trade deficits with the United States, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand. .

  • 09:30

    Imports MoM


    Australia imports mainly machinery and transport equipment (40 percent of total imports), of which road vehicles account for 12 percent, industrial machinery for 6 percent, electrical machinery for 5 percent and telecommunications and sound recording for 5 percent.The country also imports: petroleum (11 percent); manufactured goods (12 percent); chemicals and related products (10 percent); and food and live animals (5 percent). Main import partners are China (23 percent of total imports), the US (11 percent), Japan (7 percent), South Korea, Thailand and Germany (5 percent each) and Malaysia (4 percent).

  • 09:30

    Exports MoM


    Rich in natural resources, Australia is a major exporter of commodities. Metalliferous ores and metal scrap account for 29 percent of total exports; coal, coke and briquettes for 15 percent; and gas for 7 percent. The country also exports: food and live animals (14 percent), mainly meat (5 percent) and cereals (4 percent); manufactured goods (6 percent), mainly non-ferrous metals (4 percent); and machinery and transport equipment (6 percent). Australia's largest export markets are China (32 percent of total exports), Japan (16 percent), South Korea (7 percent), the US (5 percent), India (4 percent), New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan (3 percent each).

  • 08:00

    Total Vehicle Sales


    In the United States, Total Vehicle Sales measures the annualized number of new vehicles sold domestically in the reported month.

  • 08:00

    RBA Gov Lowe Speech

    In Australia, interest rates decisions are taken by the Reserve Bank of Australia's Board. The official interest rate is the cash rate. The cash rate is the rate charged on overnight loans between financial intermediaries, is determined in the money market as a result of the interaction of demand for and supply of overnight funds.

  • 07:50

    Current Account


    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 07:50

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ Final


    Japan's industrialized, free market economy is the fourth biggest in the world. Japan has the largest electronics industry and the third largest automobile industry in the world. Japan’s economy is well-known by its efficiency and competitiveness in exports oriented sectors, but productivity is lower in areas such as agriculture, distribution, and services.

  • 07:50

    GDP Growth Annualized Final


    GDP Annualized Growth Rate shows the gdp growth that would be registered if the quarter-on-quarter rate of change were maintained for a full year.

  • 07:50

    Foreign Bond Investment

    The net data shows the difference between acquisition and disposition of long-term debt securities: a plus sign indicates net purchases of foreign securities by Japanese investors; a minus sign indicates net selling and inflows of funds into Japan. It excludes Bank of Japan.

  • 07:50

    Stock Investment by Foreigners

    Foreign Investments in Japanese Stocks refers to the net difference between inflow and outflow of investments in Japanese stock market by foreigners.

  • 07:50

    GDP Price Index YoY Final


    The GDP Deflator measures the change in prices of final goods and services and it is considered as a key indicator for inflationary pressures, that provides insight into the future direction of monetary policy.

  • 07:50

    GDP External Demand QoQ Final

    In Japan, GDP External Demand Contribution measures the overall contribution of net exports of goods and services to the GDP. The contribution is calculated as the contribution of exports less that of imports.

  • 07:50

    GDP Capital Expenditure QoQ Final


    Gross fixed capital formation measures the value of acquisitions of new or existing fixed assets by the business sector, governments and households (excluding their unincorporated enterprises) less disposals of fixed assets.

  • 07:50

    GDP Private Consumption QoQ Final


    In Japan, final consumption expenditure of households takes into consideration the supply-side estimates as well as the demand-side estimates derived from "Family Income and Expenditure Survey" etc. The final consumption expenditure of households represents the weighed average of demand-side and supply-side estimates.

  • 07:50

    Bank Lending YoY

    In Japan, bank lending refers to the year-on-year change of all outstanding loans and discounts with banks and shinkin banks. Lending increases with increased business confidence and investment and it is an important indicator for the Japanese economy because of the weakness that has plagued the Japanese banking sector.

  • 07:01

    RICS House Price Balance

    The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) House Price Balance measures the percentage of surveyors reporting a house price rise in their designated area, minus those reporting a fall. A level above 0% indicates more surveyors reported a rise in prices; below indicates more reported a fall.

  • 05:45

    Manufacturing Sales YoY


    In New Zealand, manufacturing sales refer to the year-on-year change in the volume of sales in the manufacturing sector of the economy. The survey includes 13 industries: meat and dairy product; seafood processing; fruit, oil, cereal, and other food; beverages and tobacco; textile, leather, clothing, and footwear; wood and paper products; printing; petroleum and coal product; chemical, polymer, and rubber products; non-metallic mineral products; metal products; transport equipment, machinery, and equipment; and furniture.

  • 04:30

    API Crude Oil Stock Change

    Stocks of crude oil refer to the weekly change of the crude oil supply situation.

  • 02:00

    Fed Barr Speech

    In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.

  • 02:00

    Fed Beige Book

    In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.

  • 01:15

    ECB Jochnick Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 12:35

    Fed Brainard Speech

    In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.