Market Analysis of BTCUSDT on Thursday 24 August 2023

2023-08-24 13:23Source:BtcDana

BTCUSDT TECHNICAL ANALYSIS SHORT TERM VIEW                                                

 Btcusdt has strong support 25100 to 27350 and it is running in positive trend .Intraday purpose we can buy with stop loss25000 for upside direction 26600,26800 and 27100  targets respectively.Final stop loss is 23250 and its upside minimum  target is sharp 32000 dollar .Very short term it is looking for sharp 27500 dollar target.At top level it has made irregular correction so 32000 target very sharply it can take very soon.

 QUICK FUNDAMENTAL LOOK                                                                     

Bitcoin bounced off its summer lows in Wednesday mid-afternoon trading as investors' appetite for riskier assets improved.

POC = Risk is a part of trading, use caution when placing orders and take market advice only into account.
