Earn More Commission With BTCDana's Affiliates Program!

2021-10-20 08:50Source:BtcDana

1. How do I start earning commission?

 Step 1: Become an Affiliate

Submit your application by filling the application form. Our team will evaluate your application and make sure you meet the criteria stated below.

Step 2: Share your Referral code

Create your one and only unique referral code and share it to your social media platform. You can track how many people registered with your code as well as their status at any time.

Step 3: Sit back, relax, and earn commissions

When someone signs up for a BTCDana account with your referral code, you will earn a lifetime commission every time they complete a trade in a Real Account. So, what are you waiting for? Come and join the Affiliate program now!


2*. How to qualify to become Affiliate?


Social media accounts with a minimum of 3000  followers/Subscribers on one OR more social media platforms (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Clubhouse)


Crypto Communities

Opinion/Financial Leader or Influencer with 500+ member community in one of the community groups (Telegram, Facebook, Wechat, Reddit)


*Total referred traders: users who registered with your referral code and have made any transactions on Real Account


3. Affiliate Program Membership Evaluation Criteria

Affiliates are subject to membership evaluation every 3 months since the day the affiliate is accepted. The evaluation criteria are as follows.


To be eligible to enjoy a higher commission rate, a quarterly review will be carried out:

For Referrer level I (30%): Onboard 10 new traders and achieve a new trader volume of at least 25 lots within 3 months

For Referrer level II (40%): 100 new traders and achieve a new trader volume of at least 400 lots within 3 months.



* To be eligible to apply for a 40% referral commission rate for the first time, the affiliate must have onboarded at least 100 traders.

*New trader refers to a trader who registered after the quarterly review

*If the affiliate did not fulfil the requirement, then the affiliate will be downgraded by 1 level, and an evaluation will be carried out in the next quarter.


4. Existing Referrer

There are 2 ways for the existing referrers to join the Affiliate program:

(i)Apply to be an Affiliate by fulfilling the requirements stated above. The referrer level will be calculated based on new users invited and trading volume achieved AFTER the application is approved. The Affiliate will start at Level I. (fill this link to apply)

(ii)    If an existing referrer can fulfil the requirement of inviting 10 new users and 25 lot trading (will become Referrer Level I)  or 100 new users and 400 lot trading (will become Referrer Level II) in the past 3 months, the existing user can also apply to be an affiliate without fulfilling the requirement stated in point 2*. (fill this link to apply)

(a) User will need to fill up an application form and a review will be carried to ensure that the user fulfilled the requirements.

(b) If the user fulfils the requirement to be Referrer Level II within 3 months, the evaluation requirement will be calculated according to the time left until the evaluation. 

For example, if the user becomes a Referrer Level II with 1 month left until the evaluation, the condition the user must fulfil to remain as a Referrer Level II is

400 lot x (1/3)=133.33 lots and 100x(1/3)=34 new users

Start earning your passive income with BTCDana!
