• 11:30

    17-Week Bill Auction

  • 10:30

    EIA Gasoline Stocks Change

    Stocks of gasoline refers to the weekly change of the gasoline supply situation.

  • 10:30

    EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change

    Stocks of crude oil refer to the weekly change of the crude oil supply situation.

  • 10:30

    EIA Heating Oil Stocks Change

  • 10:30

    EIA Refinery Crude Runs Change

    Crude Runs refer to the volume of crude oil consumed by refineries.

  • 10:30

    EIA Distillate Stocks Change

  • 10:30

    EIA Gasoline Production Change

  • 10:30

    EIA Cushing Crude Oil Stocks Change

    Change in the number of barrels of crude oil held in storage at the Cushing, Oklahoma during the past week.

  • 10:30

    EIA Distillate Fuel Production Change

  • 10:30

    EIA Crude Oil Imports Change

  • 09:15

    Industrial Production MoM


    In the United States, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 78 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: Chemicals (12 percent of total production); food, drink and tobacco (11 percent); machinery (6 percent); fabricated metal products (6 percent); computer and electronic products (6 percent); and motor vehicles and parts (6 percent). Mining and quarrying account for 11 percent of production and utilities account for the remaining 11 percent.

  • 09:15

    Industrial Production YoY


    In the United States, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 78 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: Chemicals (12 percent of total production); food, drink and tobacco (11 percent); machinery (6 percent); fabricated metal products (6 percent); computer and electronic products (6 percent); and motor vehicles and parts (6 percent). Mining and quarrying account for 11 percent of production and utilities account for the remaining 11 percent.

  • 09:15

    Capacity Utilization


    Capacity utilization rate is used to measure the rate at which potential output levels are being met or used. The capacity indexes cover all facilities located in the United States, regardless of their ownership; and are constructed for 89 detailed industries (71 in manufacturing, 16 in mining, and 2 in utilities).

  • 09:15

    Manufacturing Production YoY


    Manufacturing production measures the output of businesses operating in the manufacturing sector. It is the most important sector and accounts for 78 percent of total production. The biggest segments within the sector are: Chemicals (12 percent of total production); food, drink and tobacco (11 percent); machinery (6 percent); fabricated metal products (6 percent); computer and electronic products (6 percent); and motor vehicles and parts (6 percent).

  • 09:15

    Manufacturing Production MoM


    Manufacturing production measures the output of businesses operating in the manufacturing sector. It is the most important sector and accounts for 78 percent of total production. The biggest segments within the sector are: Chemicals (12 percent of total production); food, drink and tobacco (11 percent); machinery (6 percent); fabricated metal products (6 percent); computer and electronic products (6 percent); and motor vehicles and parts (6 percent).

  • 08:30

    Wholesale Sales MoM Final


    The Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey presents estimates of monthly sales for wholesale merchants in Canada, providing information on the performance of the wholesale trade sector as an important indicator of the health of the Canadian economy. In addition, the business community uses the data to analyse market performance.

  • 08:30

    Housing Starts MoM


    Housing Starts refer to the number of new residential construction projects that have begun during any particular month. Estimates of housing starts include units in structures being totally rebuilt on an existing foundation.

  • 08:30

    Building Permits MoM Prel


    Building Permits refer to the approvals given by a local jurisdictions before the construction of a new or existing building can legally occur. Not all areas of the United States require a permit for construction.

  • 08:30

    Building Permits Prel


    Building Permits refer to the approvals given by a local jurisdictions before the construction of a new or existing building can legally occur. Not all areas of the United States require a permit for construction.

  • 08:30

    Housing Starts


    Housing Starts refer to the number of new residential construction projects that have begun during any particular month. Estimates of housing starts include units in structures being totally rebuilt on an existing foundation.

  • 08:15

    Housing Starts


    In Canada, a housing start is defined as the beginning of construction work on the building where the dwelling unit will be located. This can be described in 2 ways: usually, the stage when the concrete has been poured for the whole of the footing around the structure; or an equivalent stage where a basement will not be part of the structure.

  • 08:00

    Core Inflation Rate YoY


    In Poland, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes some volatile price items.

  • 07:00

    MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate

    MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate is average 30-year fixed mortgage lending rate measured during the reported week and backed by the Mortgage Bankers Association.

  • 07:00

    MBA Mortgage Applications

    In the US, the MBA Weekly Mortgage Application Survey is a comprehensive overview of the nationwide mortgage market and covers all types of mortgage originators, including commercial banks, thrift institutions and mortgage banking companies. The entire market is represented by the Market Index which covers all mortgage applications during the week, whether for a purchase or to refinance. The survey covers over 75% of all US retail residential mortgage applications.

  • 07:00

    MBA Mortgage Market Index

    The MBA Weekly Mortgage Application Survey is a comprehensive overview of the nationwide mortgage market and covers all types of mortgage originators, including commercial banks, thrift institutions and mortgage banking companies. The entire market is represented by the Market Index which covers all mortgage applications during the week. This includes all conventional and government applications, all fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs), all adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), whether for a purchase or to refinance.

  • 07:00

    MBA Purchase Index

  • 07:00

    MBA Mortgage Refinance Index

    The MBA Weekly Mortgage Application Survey is a comprehensive overview of the nationwide mortgage market and covers all types of mortgage originators, including commercial banks, thrift institutions and mortgage banking companies. The entire market is represented by the Market Index which covers all mortgage applications during the week. This includes all conventional and government applications, all fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs), all adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), whether for a purchase or to refinance.

  • 07:00

    Retail Sales YoY


    In South Africa, the year-over-year change in Retail sales compares the aggregated sales of retail goods and services during a certain month to the same month a year ago.

  • 07:00

    Retail Sales MoM


    In South Africa, the Retail sales report provides an aggregated measure of sales of retail goods and services over a specific time period. In South Africa, Retail sales are seasonal, volatile and relatively important to the overall economy.

  • 06:00

    Residential Property Prices YoY


  • 06:00

    Residential Property Prices MoM


  • 05:30

    Construction Output YoY


    The production index in construction measures the evolution of output within the construction sector, including building construction and civil engineering.

  • 05:30

    30-Year Bund Auction


  • 05:30

    15-Year Bund Auction

  • 05:30

    SACCI Business Confidence

    In South Africa, the SACCI Business Confidence Index reflects the neutral sentiment in the market place, as it captures the prevailing business climate and what businesses are experiencing. The index is composed by thirteen sub-indices, including energy supply, manufacturing, exports, imports, vehicle and retail sales, construction, inflation, share prices, private sector borrowing, financing cost, precious metal prices and exchange rate.

  • 05:00

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ Flash


    Services including tourism, financial services, and real estate are considered as the backbone of the Cyprus economy, accounting for nearly 80 percent of GDP. On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 70 percent of its total use, followed by government expenditure (16 percent) and gross fixed capital formation (11 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 55 percent of GDP while imports account for 53 percent, adding 2 percent of total GDP.

  • 05:00

    GDP Growth Rate YoY Flash


    Services including tourism, financial services, and real estate are considered as the backbone of the Cyprus economy, accounting for nearly 80 percent of GDP. Industry accounts for only 10 percent and agriculture for 2 percent. On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 70 percent of its total use, followed by government expenditure (16 percent) and gross fixed capital formation (11 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 55 percent of GDP while imports account for 53 percent, adding 2 percent of total GDP.

  • 05:00

    Industrial Production MoM


    In Euro Area, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

  • 05:00

    Balance of Trade


    The Euro Area is one of the world’s biggest players in global trade. The bloc runs regular trade surpluses primarily due to the high export of manufactured goods such as machinery and vehicles. However, it is a net importer of energy and raw materials. Germany by far contributes the most to surplus followed by Netherlands, Ireland, and Italy. On the other hand, the deficits are constantly recorded in France and Spain. Still, in 2022, the block run the biggest trade deficit on record as the energy imports surged after the war in Ukraine forced the members to reduce energy imports from Russia and destabilized the energy markets. .

  • 05:00

    GDP Growth Rate YoY 2nd Est


    The Euro Area is the second largest economy in the world. Of the 19 member states it includes, the biggest are: Germany (29 percent of total GDP), France (20 percent), Italy (15 percent) and Spain (10 percent). On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 54 percent of its total use, followed by gross fixed capital formation (21 percent) and government expenditure (20 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 47 percent of GDP while imports account for 43 percent, adding 4 percent of total GDP.

  • 05:00

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ 2nd Est


    The Euro Area is an economic and monetary union of 19 European countries that adopted the euro as their currency. It is the second largest economy in the world and if it was a country it would be the third most populous with 341 million inhabitants. Germany, France, Italy and Spain are the most important economies accounting respectively for 29 percent, 20 percent, 15 percent and 10 percent of the bloc’s GDP.

  • 05:00

    Employment Change YoY Prel


    In Euro Area, employment change refers to the quarterly change in the number of persons who work for pay or profit, or perform unpaid family work. Estimates include both full-time and part-time employment.

  • 05:00

    Employment Change QoQ Prel


    In Euro Area, employment change refers to the quarterly change in the number of persons who work for pay or profit, or perform unpaid family work. Estimates include both full-time and part-time employment.

  • 05:00

    Industrial Production YoY


    In Euro Area, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

  • 05:00

    Industrial Production MoM


    In Poland, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 86 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: food products (16 percent of total production); motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (10 percent); metal products (7 percent), rubber and plastic products (6 percent), electrical equipment (5 percent), coke and refined petroleum products (5 percent), chemicals and chemical products (4 percent), other non-metallic mineral products (4 percent), and basic metals (4 percent). Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply accounts for 8 percent of total output; Mining and quarrying for 3 percent; and Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities for 2 percent.

  • 04:40

    3-Month Letras Auction


  • 04:40

    9-Month Letras Auction


  • 03:30

    GDP Growth Rate YoY Flash


    The Netherlands is the sixth-largest economy in the Euro Zone and important transportation hub in Europe. The Dutch economy depends heavily on foreign trade, with exports accounting for 83 percent of GDP and imports for 72 percent. Household consumption is the main component of GDP (45 percent) followed by government expenditure (26 percent), gross fixed capital formation (18 percent) and net trade (11 percent).

  • 03:30

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ Flash


    The Netherlands is the sixth-largest economy in the Euro Zone and important transportation hub in Europe. The Dutch economy depends heavily on foreign trade, with exports accounting for 83 percent of GDP and imports for 72 percent. Household consumption is the main component of GDP (45 percent) followed by government expenditure (26 percent), gross fixed capital formation (18 percent) and net trade (11 percent).

  • 03:30

    Balance of Trade


    The Netherlands is an export-oriented economy and derives more than two-thirds of its GDP from the merchandise trade. Main exports are: machinery and transport equipment (28 percent of total exports), mineral fuels (23 percent), food (11 percent), clothing and footwear (10 percent) and pharmaceuticals (5 percent). Netherlands main imports are: fuel (29 percent of total imports), machinery (26 percent) and food and live animals (8.6 percent). Main trading partners are Germany (24 percent of total exports and 17 percent of imports) and Belgium (12 percent of exports and 10 percent imports). Others include: China, France, United Kingdom and United States.

  • 03:30

    Household Consumption YoY


    In the Netherlands, Household Consumption YoY measures the year-on-year change of consumption expenditure by households. Consumption expenditure includes all voluntary expenditure on goods and services by private individuals and households. It does not include compulsory expenditure such as taxes. Services is the most important sector and accounts for 58 percent of total consumption. The biggest segments within Services are housing; financial and business services; transport, communication services; and medical services and welfare. Consumption of goods account for the remaining 42 percent, in particular durable consumer goods (15 percent) and food, beverages and tobacco (15 percent).

  • 03:00

    PPI YoY


    Producer prices change refers to year over year change in price of goods and services sold by manufacturers and producers in the wholesale market during a given period.

  • 03:00

    PPI MoM


    In the Czech Republic, Producer Price Inflation MoM measures a month-over-month change in the price of goods and services sold by manufacturers and producers in the wholesale market.

  • 02:30

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ Prel


    In Hungary, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 50 percent of its total use, followed by gross fixed capital formation (22 percent) and government expenditure (20 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 89 percent of GDP while imports account for 82 percent, adding 7 percent of total GDP.

  • 02:30

    GDP Growth Rate YoY Prel


    Electronics manufacturing and research are among the main drivers of innovation and economic growth in Hungary. The country has also grown into a major center for mobile technology, information security, and related hardware research. On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 50 percent of its total use, followed by gross fixed capital formation (22 percent) and government expenditure (20 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 89 percent of GDP while imports account for 82 percent, adding 7 percent of total GDP.

  • 02:30

    WPI Fuel YoY


    In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).

  • 02:30

    WPI Manufacturing YoY


    In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).

  • 02:30

    WPI Inflation YoY


    In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).

  • 02:30

    WPI Food Index YoY


    In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).

  • 02:00

    Inflation Rate MoM


    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 02:00

    Inflation Rate YoY


    In United Kingdom, the most important categories in the Consumer Price Index are: Transport (14%), Housing & Utilities (14%), and Recreation & Culture (13%). Food & Non-alcoholic Beverages account for 12%, Restaurants & Hotels for 11%, Miscellaneous Goods & Services for 9%¸ Furnishings, Household Equipment & Routine Maintenance of the House for 8%, and Clothing & Footwear for 6%. Others include: Alcoholic Drinks, Tobacco & Narcotics (5%), Education (3%), Communication (3%) and Health (2%).

  • 02:00

    Core Inflation Rate YoY


    In the United Kingdom, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes some volatile price items.

  • 02:00

    Core Inflation Rate MoM


    In the United Kingdom, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes some volatile price items.

  • 02:00

    Labour Productivity QoQ Prel


    In the United Kingdom, Productivity is the real value of output produced by a unit of labor during a certain time.

  • 02:00

    Retail Price Index MoM


    In the UK, the RPI index covers only private households but excludes the top 4% of households by income and pensioner households who receive at least three-quarters of their income from benefits. The index was initially developed as a compensation index, derived from an index designed as an aid to protect ordinary workers from price increases associated with the First World War. The RPI provides estimates of inflation from 1947 onwards with the first official release of consumer price inflation being produced in January 1956. Until the introduction of the UK CPI in 1996, the RPI and its derivatives were the only measures of UK consumer price inflation available to users.

  • 02:00

    Retail Price Index YoY


    In the UK, the RPI index covers only private households but excludes the top 4% of households by income and pensioner households who receive at least three-quarters of their income from benefits. The index was initially developed as a compensation index, derived from an index designed as an aid to protect ordinary workers from price increases associated with the First World War. The RPI provides estimates of inflation from 1947 onwards with the first official release of consumer price inflation being produced in January 1956. Until the introduction of the UK CPI in 1996, the RPI and its derivatives were the only measures of UK consumer price inflation available to users.

  • 02:00

    PPI Core Output YoY


    In the United Kingdom, the Core Producer Price Index is a monthly survey that measures the price changes of goods bought and sold by manufacturers excluding food, beverages, tobacco and petroleum products.

  • 02:00

    PPI Core Output MoM


    In the United Kingdom, the Core Producer Price Index is a monthly survey that measures the price changes of goods bought and sold by manufacturers excluding food, beverages, tobacco and petroleum products.

  • 02:00

    PPI Output YoY


    In the United Kingdom, the Producer Price Index (PPI) is a monthly survey that measures the price changes of goods bought and sold by manufacturers and provides an important measure of inflation. The factory gate price (the output price) is the price of goods sold by UK manufacturers. It includes costs such as labour, raw materials and energy, as well as interest on loans, site or building maintenance, or rent and excludes taxes. .

  • 02:00

    PPI Input MoM


    The input price measures the price of materials and fuels bought by UK manufacturers for processing. It includes materials and fuels that are both imported or sourced within the domestic market. It is not limited to materials used in the final product but includes what is required by businesses in their normal day-to-day running, such as fuels.

  • 02:00

    PPI Input YoY


    The input price measures the price of materials and fuels bought by UK manufacturers for processing. It includes materials and fuels that are both imported or sourced within the domestic market. It is not limited to materials used in the final product but includes what is required by businesses in their normal day-to-day running, such as fuels.

  • 02:00

    PPI Output MoM


    In the United Kingdom, Producer Price Inflation MoM measures the month-over-month price changes of goods bought and sold by manufacturers and provides an important measure of inflation. The factory gate price (the output price) is the price of goods sold by UK manufacturers. It includes costs such as labour, raw materials and energy, as well as interest on loans, site or building maintenance, or rent and excludes taxes.

  • 02:00

    Industrial Production MoM


    In Romania, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

  • 02:00

    Industrial Production YoY


    In Romania, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

  • 02:00

    GDP Growth Rate YoY Prel


    On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 63 percent of its total use, followed by gross fixed capital formation (22 percent) and government expenditure (14 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 41 percent of GDP and imports account for 41 percent.

  • 02:00

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ Prel


    Romania is an upper-middle income economy and has been part of the European Union since 2007. The main industries in Romania are: electric machinery and equipment, textiles and footwear, light machinery and auto assembly, software, mining, timber, construction materials, metallurgy, chemicals, food processing and petroleum refining. On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 63 percent of its total use, followed by gross fixed capital formation (22 percent) and government expenditure (14 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 41 percent of GDP and imports account for 41 percent.

  • 01:00

    GDP YoY


    In Finland, Monthly GDP YoY measures the change in the value of the goods and services produced by the country economy compared to the corresponding month in the previous year.

  • 01:00

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ Prel


    Although services account for 65 percent of Finnish economy, key sector is manufacturing, mainly wood, metals, engineering, telecommunications, and electronics industries. On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 55 percent of its total use, followed by government expenditure (25 percent) and gross fixed capital formation (20 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 38 percent of GDP while imports account for 39 percent, subtracting 1 percent of total GDP. .

  • 01:00

    GDP Growth Rate YoY Prel


    The largest sector of the Finnish economy is services at 65 percent, followed by manufacturing and refining at 31 percent. Primary production is at 3 percent. Finland’s main industrial products are paper and board, electronics and metal products. Engineering and high technology industries are the leading branches of manufacturing. On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 55 percent of its total use, followed by government expenditure (25 percent) and gross fixed capital formation (20 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 38 percent of GDP while imports account for 39 percent, subtracting 1 percent of total GDP.

  • 11:00

    Retail Sales YoY


    In Indonesia, the year-over-year change in Retail sales compares the aggregated sales of retail goods and services during a certain month to the same month a year ago.

  • 11:00

    RBNZ Press Conference

    In New Zealand, interest rates decisions are taken by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. The official interest rate is the Official Cash Rate (OCR). The OCR was introduced in March 1999 and is reviewed eight times a year by the Bank. The OCR influences the price of borrowing money in New Zealand and provides the Reserve Bank with a means of influencing the level of economic activity and inflation.

  • 10:00

    RBNZ Interest Rate Decision


    In New Zealand, interest rates decisions are taken by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. The official interest rate is the Official Cash Rate (OCR). The OCR was introduced in March 1999 and is reviewed eight times a year by the Bank. The OCR influences the price of borrowing money in New Zealand and provides the Reserve Bank with a means of influencing the level of economic activity and inflation.

  • 09:30

    House Price Index YoY


    In China, Housing Index is measured by year-over-year change in the index of newly built residential buildings in 70 medium and large cities. The index is calculated in weighted average method and the weight of each city is based on the population.

  • 09:00

    Westpac Leading Index MoM


    The Westpac-Melbourne Institute Leading Index of Economic Activity combines a selection of economic variables that typically lead fluctuations in economic activity into a single measure that provides a reliable cyclical indicator for the Australian economy. The index includes the following components: S&P/ASX 200, dwelling approvals, US industrial production, RBA Commodity Prices Index (A$), aggregate monthly hours worked, Westpac-MI CSI expectations index, Westpac-MI Unemployment expectations index, yield spread (10Y bond – 90D bill). The index has a base value of 100 as of 1996.

  • 08:00

    Parsi New Year

  • 04:30

    API Crude Oil Stock Change

    Stocks of crude oil refer to the weekly change of the crude oil supply situation.

  • 04:00

    Net Long-term TIC Flows


    The Net Long-Term TIC Flows track the flow of Treasury and agency securities, corporate bonds and equities, into and out of the United States.

  • 04:00

    Foreign Bond Investment


    Foreign Bond Investment refers to net purchases of US treasury bonds and notes by foreign individuals or companies. Negative figures indicate net sales by foreigners to US residents or a net outflow of capital from the United States. .

  • 04:00

    Overall Net Capital Flows


    Net Treasury International Capital Flows includes all net foreign acquisitions of long-term securities, short-term U.S. securities, and banking flows.