• 11:30

    6-Month Bill Auction

  • 11:30

    3-Month Bill Auction

  • 10:30

    Senior Loan Officer Survey

    In Canada, benchmark interest rate is set by the Bank of Canada's (BoC) Governing Council. The official interest rate is the Overnight Rate. Since 1996 the Bank Rate is set at the upper limit of an operating band for the money market overnight rate. Previously, from March 1980 until February 1996 the Bank Rate was set at 25 basis points above the weekly average tender rate for 3-month Treasury bills.

  • 10:00

    CB Leading Index MoM


  • 09:15

    Fed Waller Speech

    In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.

  • 09:00

    12-Month BTF Auction

  • 09:00

    3-Month BTF Auction

  • 09:00

    6-Month BTF Auction

  • 07:30

    BCB Focus Market Readout

    In Brazil, interest rate decisions are taken by The Central Bank of Brazil's Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM). The official interest rate is the Special System of Clearance and Custody rate (SELIC) which is the overnight lending rate.

  • 06:00

    Consumer Confidence


    In Spain, the Consumer Confidence survey is made by phone and covers 1,000 individuals aged over 16 who are representative of Spanish society as a whole. The questionnaire focuses on current economic and financial situation, savings intention as well as on expected developments regarding general and personal economic situation and major purchases of durable goods. The index shows the difference between the percentage share of persons that are optimistic and the percentage of persons that are pessimistic. The index measures consumer confidence on a scale of 0 to 200, where 0 indicates extreme lack of confidence, 100 neutrality and 200 extreme confidence.

  • 06:00

    PPI YoY


    In Portugal, the Industrial Production Price Index aims to show the monthly evolution of transaction prices in economic activities for the domestic and foreign markets. The indices are obtained based on the Survey on Prices in the Production of Industrial Products, carried out by electronic form, with companies based in the national territory, focusing mainly on the extractive, manufacturing and electricity, gas and water industries. About 10123 prices are collected every month. Intermediate goods is the biggest segment of producer prices, accounting for 36 percent of total PPI, followed by consumer goods (31 percent), energy (20 percent) and capital goods (12 percent).

  • 06:00

    PPI MoM


    In Portugal, the Producer Price Inflation MoM measures the monthly evolution of transaction prices in economic activities for the domestic and foreign markets. The indices are obtained based on the Survey on Prices in the Production of Industrial Products, carried out by electronic form, with companies based in the national territory, focusing mainly on the extractive, manufacturing and electricity, gas and water industries. About 10123 prices are collected every month. Intermediate goods is the biggest segment of producer prices, accounting for 36 percent of total PPI, followed by consumer goods (31 percent), energy (20 percent) and capital goods (12 percent).

  • 05:30

    12-Month Bubill Auction


  • 04:00

    Balance of Trade


    Spain runs systemic trade deficits due to high imports of fuel and high added value goods. Spain’s main exporting sectors are chemicals, capital goods, food, beverages & tobacco, vehicles, and non-chemical semi-manufactures. The largest export partners are the European Union (63 percent of total exports), in particular France (15 percent) and Germany (10 percent), the rest of Europe (11 percent), in particular the United Kingdom (6 percent), the United States (5 percent), Morocco (3 percent) and China (2 percent). The largest shares by sector of Spain’s imports are those of energy products, capital goods, chemicals, food, beverages and tobacco, and consumer manufactured goods. Spain's major import partner is the EU (45 percent of total imports), in particular Germany and France (9 percent each), followed by China (11 percent), the US (7 percent), the UK (3 percent), and Turkey, Brazil and Morocco (2 percent each).

  • 03:00

    Inflation Rate MoM Final

    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 03:00

    Inflation Rate YoY Final

    In Austria, the most important category in the consumer price index is Housing and Utilities (19 percent of total weight). Transport accounts for 14 percent; Restaurants and Hotels for 13 percent; Recreation and Culture for 11 percent; Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages for 11 percent and Miscellaneous Goods and Services for 9 percent. Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco; Clothing and Footwear; Household Goods; Health; Communication and Education account for the remaining 23 percent of total weight.

  • 03:00

    Harmonised Inflation Rate YoY Final


    The Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) is an indicator of inflation and price stability for the European Central Bank (ECB). The HICP is compiled by Eurostat and the national statistical institutes in accordance with harmonised statistical methods. The ECB aims to maintain annual inflation rates as measured by the HICP below, but close to, 2% over the medium term.

  • 03:00

    Harmonised Inflation Rate MoM Final


  • 01:00

    10-Year KTB Auction


    Generally, a government bond is issued by a national government and is denominated in the country`s own currency. Bonds issued by national governments in foreign currencies are normally referred to as sovereign bonds. The yield required by investors to loan funds to governments reflects inflation expectations and the likelihood that the debt will be repaid.

  • 11:35

    52-Week Bill Auction


  • 07:50

    Machinery Orders YoY

    In Japan, Machinery Orders refers to the month-over-month change of the private sector machinery orders, excluding volatile ones for ships and those from electric power companies.

  • 07:50

    Machinery Orders MoM

    In Japan, Machinery Orders refers to the month-over-month change of the private sector machinery orders, excluding volatile ones for ships and those from electric power companies.

  • 06:30

    Composite NZ PCI

  • 06:30

    Services NZ PSI

    The Business NZ Performance of Services Index (PSI) is a composite index based on the diffusion indexes for sales, new orders, delivered, inventories and employment. A reading above 50 indicates an expansion of the Services sector compared to the previous month; below 50 represents a contraction; while 50 indicates no change.