• 11:30

    EIA Gasoline Stocks Change

    Stocks of gasoline refers to the weekly change of the gasoline supply situation.

  • 11:30

    EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change

    Stocks of crude oil refer to the weekly change of the crude oil supply situation.

  • 11:30

    EIA Distillate Fuel Production Change

  • 11:30

    EIA Distillate Stocks Change

  • 11:30

    EIA Gasoline Production Change

  • 11:30

    EIA Refinery Crude Runs Change

    Crude Runs refer to the volume of crude oil consumed by refineries.

  • 11:30

    EIA Cushing Crude Oil Stocks Change

    Change in the number of barrels of crude oil held in storage at the Cushing, Oklahoma during the past week.

  • 11:30

    EIA Heating Oil Stocks Change

  • 11:30

    EIA Crude Oil Imports Change

  • 11:00

    BoE Green Speech

    In the United Kingdom, benchmark interest rate is set by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). The Bank of England official interest rate is the repo rate. This repo rate applies to open market operations of the Bank of England with a group of counterparties (banks, building societies, securities firms).

  • 11:00

    Fed Chair Powell Testimony

    In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.

  • 09:45

    Current Account


    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 09:30

    Inflation Rate MoM

    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 09:30

    Core Inflation Rate MoM


  • 09:30

    Inflation Rate YoY


    In the United States, unadjusted Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers is based on the prices of a market basket of: Food (14% of total weight); Energy (8%); Commodities Less Food & Energy Commodities (21%) and Services Less Energy Services (57%). The last category is divided by: Shelter (32%), Medical Care Services (7%) and Transportation Services (6%).

  • 09:30

    Core Inflation Rate YoY

    In the United States, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes volatile food and fuel costs.

  • 09:30

    CPI s.a

    In the United States, the Consumer Price Index or CPI measures changes in the prices paid by consumers for a basket of goods and services.

  • 09:30



    In the United States, the Consumer Price Index or CPI measures changes in the prices paid by consumers for a basket of goods and services.

  • 09:00

    Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes

    In Hungary, interest rates decisions are taken by the Monetary Council of the Hungarian National Bank (Magyar Nemzeti Bank). The main interest rate is the base rate.

  • 08:00

    MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate

    MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate is average 30-year fixed mortgage lending rate measured during the reported week and backed by the Mortgage Bankers Association.

  • 08:00

    MBA Mortgage Applications

    In the US, the MBA Weekly Mortgage Application Survey is a comprehensive overview of the nationwide mortgage market and covers all types of mortgage originators, including commercial banks, thrift institutions and mortgage banking companies. The entire market is represented by the Market Index which covers all mortgage applications during the week, whether for a purchase or to refinance. The survey covers over 75% of all US retail residential mortgage applications.

  • 08:00

    MBA Mortgage Refinance Index

    The MBA Weekly Mortgage Application Survey is a comprehensive overview of the nationwide mortgage market and covers all types of mortgage originators, including commercial banks, thrift institutions and mortgage banking companies. The entire market is represented by the Market Index which covers all mortgage applications during the week. This includes all conventional and government applications, all fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs), all adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), whether for a purchase or to refinance.

  • 08:00

    MBA Purchase Index

  • 08:00

    MBA Mortgage Market Index

    The MBA Weekly Mortgage Application Survey is a comprehensive overview of the nationwide mortgage market and covers all types of mortgage originators, including commercial banks, thrift institutions and mortgage banking companies. The entire market is represented by the Market Index which covers all mortgage applications during the week. This includes all conventional and government applications, all fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs), all adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), whether for a purchase or to refinance.

  • 07:00

    Bundesbank Mauderer Speech

    Germany is a member of the European Union which has adopted the euro. Germany's benchmark interest rate is set by the European Central Bank. The official designation for the rate is main refinancing operation.

  • 07:00

    Inflation Rate MoM Final


    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 07:00

    Inflation Rate YoY Final


    In Portugal, the inflation rate measures a broad rise or fall in prices that consumers pay for a standard basket of goods. The most important categories in Portuguese Consumer Price Index are: Food & Non-alcoholic Beverages (21% of the total weight), Transport (14%), Miscellaneous Goods & Services (10%) and Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Other Fuels (10%). Restaurant & Hotels account for 9%, Recreation & Culture for 7%, and Clothing & Footwear for 7%. The index also includes: Health (6%), and Furnishings, Household Equipment & Routine Maintenance of the House (6%). Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco, Communication and Education account for remaining 9%.

  • 06:30

    Industrial Production MoM


    In Belgium, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: chemical products (19 percent of total production); food products and beverages (16 percent); basic metals (11 percent); motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (10 percent); pharmaceuticals (8 percent); machinery and equipment (5 percent); and fabricated metal products (5 percent).

  • 06:30

    Industrial Production YoY


    In Belgium, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: chemical products (19 percent of total production); food products and beverages (16 percent); basic metals (11 percent); motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (10 percent); pharmaceuticals (8 percent); machinery and equipment (5 percent); and fabricated metal products (5 percent).

  • 06:30

    30-Year Bund Auction


  • 06:30

    Inflation Rate YoY

    In India, the most important category in the consumer price index is Food and beverages (45.86 percent of total weight), of which Cereals and products (9.67 percent), Milk and products (6.61 percent), Vegetables (6.04 percent), Prepared meals, snacks, sweets, etc. (5.55 percent), Meat and fish (3.61 percent), and Oils and fats (3.56 percent). Miscellaneous accounts for 28.32 percent, of which Transport and communication (8.59 percent), health (5.89 percent), and education (4.46 percent). Housing accounts for 10.07 percent; Fuel and light for 6.84 percent; Clothing and footwear for 6.53 percent; and Pan, tobacco and intoxicants for 2.38 percent. Consumer price changes in India can be very volatile due to dependence on energy imports, the uncertain impact of monsoon rains on its large farm sector, difficulties transporting food items to market because of its poor roads and infrastructure and high fiscal deficit. In 2013, the consumer price index replaced the wholesale price index (WPI) as a main measure of inflation.

  • 06:30

    Inflation Rate MoM


    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 06:30

    Manufacturing Production YoY


    Manufacturing production measures the output of businesses operating in the manufacturing sector. In India, manufacturing accounts for 78 percent of total industrial output. The biggest segments are: basic metals (13 percent of total production); coke and refined petroleum products (12 percent); chemicals and chemical products (8 percent); food products (5 percent); pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products (5 percent); motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (5 percent); machinery and equipment n.e.c. (5 percent); other non-metallic mineral products (4 percent); and textiles, electrical equipment and fabricated metal products (3 percent each).

  • 06:30

    Industrial Production YoY

    In India, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 78 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: basic metals (13 percent of total production); coke and refined petroleum products (12 percent); chemicals and chemical products (8 percent); food products (5 percent); pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products (5 percent); motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (5 percent); machinery and equipment n.e.c. (5 percent); other non-metallic mineral products (4 percent); and textiles, electrical equipment and fabricated metal products (3 percent each). Mining accounts for 14 percent of total output; and electricity accounts for 8 percent.

  • 06:10

    12-Month BOT Auction


  • 06:00

    ECB Elderson Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 06:00

    20-Year Index-Linked Treasury Gilt Auction


  • 05:00

    Industrial Production MoM

    In Italy, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 88 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: Metallurgy and fabricated metal products (14 percent of total production); machinery and equipment (12 percent); food, drink and tobacco (10 percent); rubber and plastics products and non-metallic mineral products (9 percent); textile, clothing and leather (8 percent); transport equipment (7 percent); and other manufacturing, repair and installation of machinery and equipment (7 percent). Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning account for 10 percent of total output and Mining and quarrying account for 1 percent.

  • 05:00

    Industrial Production YoY

    In Italy, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 88 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: Metallurgy and fabricated metal products (14 percent of total production); machinery and equipment (12 percent); food, drink and tobacco (10 percent); rubber and plastics products and non-metallic mineral products (9 percent); textile, clothing and leather (8 percent); transport equipment (7 percent); and other manufacturing, repair and installation of machinery and equipment (7 percent). Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning account for 10 percent of total output and Mining and quarrying account for 1 percent.

  • 04:00

    Inflation Rate YoY


    In Czech Republic, the most important category in the consumer price index is Housing and Utilities (27 percent of total weight). Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages accounts for 18 percent; Transport for 10 percent; Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco for 9 percent; Recreation and Culture for 8 percent and Miscellaneous Goods and Services for 6 percent. Furniture, Household Goods and Maintenance; Restaurants and Hotels; Clothing and Footwear; Communication; Health and Education account for the remaining 27 percent of total weight.

  • 04:00

    Inflation Rate MoM


    Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.

  • 02:00

    Current Account


    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 02:00

    Machine Tool Orders YoY


    Machine Tool Orders in Japan measure the change in the total value of new orders placed with machine tool manufacturers.

  • 11:35

    10-Year Index-Linked JGB Auction


    In Japan, the "core core" inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes prices of fresh food and energy.

  • 11:00

    Retail Sales YoY


    In Indonesia, the year-over-year change in Retail sales compares the aggregated sales of retail goods and services during a certain month to the same month a year ago.

  • 08:30

    Investment Lending for Homes

  • 08:30

    Home Loans QoQ

    In Australia, Home Loans record the value of new loans granted for owner-occupied homes. A housing unit is said to be owner-occupied if the owner or co-owner lives in the unit. It is a leading indicator of demand in the housing market.

  • 05:30

    API Crude Oil Stock Change

    Stocks of crude oil refer to the weekly change of the crude oil supply situation.

  • 04:30

    Fed Bowman Speech

    In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.

  • 02:00

    3-Year Note Auction

  • 01:00

    ECB Schnabel Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 01:00

    WASDE Report

  • 12:30

    42-Day Bill Auction


  • 12:00

    Total Household Debt

    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Household Debt and Credit Report provides unique data and insight into the credit conditions and activity of U.S. consumers. Based on data from the New York Fed's Consumer Credit Panel, a nationally representative sample drawn from anonymized Equifax credit data, the report provides a quarterly snapshot of household trends in borrowing and indebtedness, including data about mortgages, student loans, credit cards, auto loans and delinquencies.