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The Richmond Manufacturing Index measures the conditions of the manufacturing sector for the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and most of West Virginia. The index is derived from a survey of 190 manufacturing plants and based on three individual index with the following weights: Shipments (33 percent), New Orders (40 percent) and Employment (27 percent). The index can range between +100 and -100; a reading above zero indicates expansion, while below zero suggests a contraction.
The Richmond Manufacturing Index measures the conditions of the manufacturing sector for the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and most of West Virginia. The index is derived from a survey of 190 manufacturing plants and based on three individual index with the following weights: Shipments (33 percent), New Orders (40 percent) and Employment (27 percent). The index can range between +100 and -100; a reading above zero indicates expansion, while below zero suggests a contraction.
The data come from the Fifth District Survey of Service Sector Activity. Respondents to the survey are firms located within the Fifth Federal Reserve District which includes the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and most of West Virginia. Respondents indicate whether measures of activity rose, were unchanged, or decreased since the last survey. The responses are converted into diffusion indexes by subtracting the percentage of reported decreases from the percentage of increases.
In Belgium, the business confidence survey measures the level of optimism that people who run companies have about the current economic situation and how they feel about their organizations’ prospects in the next three months. Every month, a panel of around 6000 business leaders is contacted.
The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Home Price Index measures changes in residential house prices in 20 metropolitan regions in the United States: Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa and Washington D.C.
The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Home Price Index measures changes in residential house prices in 20 metropolitan regions in the United States: Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa and Washington D.C.
The FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency) House Price Index measures month over month changes in average prices of single-family houses with mortgages guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency) House Price Index measures month over month changes in average prices of single-family houses with mortgages guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency) House Price Index measures month over month changes in average prices of single-family houses with mortgages guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The Johnson Redbook Index is a sales-weighted of year-over-year same-store sales growth in a sample of large US general merchandise retailers representing about 9,000 stores. Same-store sales are sales in stores continuously open for 12 months or longer. By dollar value, the Index represents over 80% of the equivalent 'official' retail sales series collected and published by the US Department of Commerce. Redbook compiles the Index by collecting and interpreting performance estimates from retailers. The Index and its sub-groups are sales-weighted aggregates of these estimates. Weeks are retail weeks (Sunday to Saturday), and equally weighted within the month.
In Hungary, interest rates decisions are taken by the Monetary Council of the Hungarian National Bank (Magyar Nemzeti Bank). The main interest rate is the interest rate on the one-day quick deposit tenders.
The Deposit Interest Rate is the average rate paid by commercial banks to individuals or corporations on deposits.
In Mexico, the overall index of economic activity measures the evolution of the real sector of the economy, in the short term, providing valuable information for decision-making.
In Mexico, the overall index of economic activity measures the evolution of the real sector of the economy, in the short term, providing valuable information for decision-making.
IBRE/FGV's monthly Consumer Confidence Survey is designed to capture the sentiment of consumers about the general state of economy and their personal finances. Happy and optimistic consumers are likely to spend more; unhappy and pessimistic consumers spend less. Consumer confidence can thus operate to induce or reduce economic growth. Monitoring consumer sentiment can produce signals about future spending and saving that are useful for anticipating what will happen to the economy in the short run. The IBRE/FGV studies obtain, among other information, consumer assessments and forecasts about the local and family economic situation at the time and for the following months, employment prospects, and intentions and likelihood of buying high-value goods in the next six months. The Consumer Confidence Survey was started in 2002, and data are collected from over 2,000 informants in seven major state capitals: Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Recife, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo.
In the United Kingdom, the Confederation of British Industry‘s Industrial Trends Survey of total order book balance tracks changes in the level of factory orders from around 500 companies across 38 sectors of manufacturing industry. The survey covers domestic and export orders, stocks, price, investment intentions and output expectations. For each variable, manufacturers are asked if present situation is above normal, normal or below normal. The results are presented as a weighted percentage balance, that is, the difference between the percentage of respondents replying more or up to each question minus the percentage replying less or down.
In the United Kingdom, the Business Optimism Index is published by the Confederation of British Industry's in its Industrial Trends Survey. An average of 400 small, medium and large companies from the manufacturing sector is surveyed each quarter. The Questionnaire accesses the overall sentiment regarding general and export business situation, investment, capacity, order books, employment, output, stocks, prices competitiveness regarding domestic, EU and non-EU markets and innovation and training. For each assessment is computed a sub-index as the percentage of positive answers minus the percentage of negative answers. The composite index is then computed as the weighted average of the sub-indices. An Optimism Index of +100 indicates that all survey respondents are much more confident about future prospects, while -100 suggests that all survey respondents are much less confident about future prospects. An index level of 0 indicates neutrality.
Hong Kong has an export oriented economy with 99 percent of shipments coming from re-exports. Major exports are electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances which accounts for 36 percent of total shipments. Other exports include: telecommunications and sound equipment (20 percent); office and automatic data processing machines (10 percent); miscellaneous manufactured articles (5 percent) and non-metallic mineral manufactures (5 percent). Main export partners are China (40 percent), the United States (8 percent), Vietnam (6 percent), Singapore (5 percent), Taiwan and Macau.
Hong Kong imports mainly machinery and transport equipment (66 percent of total imports); miscellaneous manufactured articles (14 percent); manufactured goods (9 percent) and food and live animals (4 percent). Main import partners are: China (47 percent), Taiwan (8 percent) and Singapore (7 percent). Others include: Japan, South Korea and the United States.
Since the late 1990’s Hong Kong has been recording trade deficits, as imports grew at a faster pace than exports. Hong Kong major exports are electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances; telecommunications and sound equipment and automatic data processing machines. The country imports mainly machinery and transport equipment; miscellaneous manufactured articles; manufactured goods and food and live animals. Main trading partner is China (40 percent of total exports and 47 percent of total imports). Others include: Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and the United States.
In Germany, the IFO Business Climate Index measures entrepreneurs’ sentiment about current business situation and their expectations for the next 6 months. The survey is made by phone and covers 9,000 firms in manufacturing, the service sector, trade and construction. The Business Climate Balance is constructed as the difference between the percentage share of executives that are optimistic and the share that are pessimistic. This balance can take values between -100 (all responding firms assess their situation as poor and expect business to deteriorate) and +100 (all responding firms assessed their situation as good and expect an improvement in their business). For the calculation of the IFO Business Climate Index, the Balance is normalized to the average of a base year (currently 2015).
Assessment of the Business Situation.
Expectations With Regard to Business Developments in the Next 6 Months.
In Poland, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force.
In Indonesia the interest rate decisions are taken by The Central Bank of Republic of Indonesia. In April of 2016, policymakers announced the replacement of the official discount interest rate with new 7-day reverse repurchase rate in August 2016. This is the rate at which central banks lend or discount eligible paper for deposit money banks, typically shown on an end-of-period basis.
In Indonesia, lending rate refers to central bank lending facility rate.
The Deposit Interest Rate is the average rate paid by commercial banks to individuals or corporations on deposits.
In Indonesia, loan growth refers to year over year change in total value of outstanding credits of commercial banks.
In Turkey, the Business Tendency Survey (BTS) compiles the assessments of the senior managers on the recent past, current situation and their expectations regarding the future course of business environment in the manufacturing industry. A score above 100 indicates an optimistic outlook to the economic activities while below 100 points to a pessimistic outlook.
In Turkey, Capacity Utilization is a measure of how much of the economy's potential output is being used.
In South Africa, the Composite Leading Business Cycle Indicator examines the direction in which real economic activity is moving, in real time. It is calculated on the basis of the following components: building plans approved, new passenger vehicles sold, commodity price index for main export commodities, index of prices of all classes of shares traded on the JSE, job advertisements, volume of orders in manufacturing, real M1, average hours worked per factory worker in manufacturing, interest rate spread, composite leading business cycle indicator of the major trading-partner countries, business confidence index, gross operating surplus as a percentage of GDP. The index has a base value of 100 as of 2010.
Gross wage measures the year over year change in gross monthly average earnings of full-time employees in the national economy.
In Norway, Industrial confidence indicator (ICI) Business tendency survey is the arithmetic average of the responses (balances) to the questions on production expectations, total stock of orders and inventories of own products. The indicator is a guide to the level of industrial production since: an expected rise in the level of output gives signals of increased production in the forthcoming quarter; an increase in the total stock of orders indicates a higher level of production due to the future fulfillment of these orders; an increase in the inventories of own products indicates slow sales and reduced activity.
In Sweden, the Producer Price Inflation MoM measures a month-over-month change in the price of goods and services sold by manufacturers and producers in the wholesale market.
Producer prices change refers to year over year change in price of goods and services sold by manufacturers and producers in the wholesale market during a given period.
In Finland, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force.
In Singapore, the most important categories in the Consumer Price Index are: Housing (25%) and Food (21%). The index also includes: Transport (17%); Recreation & Culture (8%); Education (7%); Healthcare (7%); Communications (4%); Clothing & Footwear (2%); Miscellaneous Goods & Services (5%); and Household Durables & Services (5%).
Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.
In Singapore, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods excluding changes in the price of cars and accommodation, which are influenced more by government policies.
In Singapore, the Consumer Price Index or CPI measures changes in the prices paid by consumers for a basket of goods and services.
South Korea’s economy became one of the most diversified and technologically advanced in the world in the last 50 years. Like in most developed countries, services account for the highest percentage of GDP (around 57 percent of GDP). Within services the most important ones are public administration (6 percent ); education (5.3 percent); information and communication (5 percent); and business activities (4.6 percent of GDP). A strong manufacturing industry which has turned South Korea into a major exporter accounts for 32 percent of GDP.
South Korea has an export oriented economy and is the world's leading producer of displays and memory semiconductors and the second largest producer of ships. Services account for the highest percentage of GDP (around 57 percent of GDP). Within services the most important ones are public administration (6 percent ); education (5.3 percent); information and communication (5 percent); and business activities (4.6 percent of GDP). A strong manufacturing industry which has turned South Korea into a major exporter accounts for 32 percent of GDP.