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The Ivey Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is an economic index which measures the month to month variation in economic activity as indicated by a panel of purchasing managers from across Canada, and is prepared by the Ivey Business School at Western University. The PMI includes both the public and private sectors and is based on month end data Ivey PMI panel members indicate whether their organizations activity is higher than, the same as, or lower than the previous month across the following five categories: purchases, employment, inventories, supplier deliveries and prices.A headline value above 50 indicates an increase in purchases from the previous month and a value below 50 indicates a decrease.
IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index measures Americans' opinions and outlooks on the economy. The index is based on a nationwide survey of 900 adults and evaluates six-month economic outlook, personal financial outlook, confidence in federal economic policies. Reading above 50 indicates optimism, and below 50 indicates pessimism.
Measures the weighted-average price of 9 dairy products sold at auction every two weeks.
In Turkey, treasury cash realizations indicate the cash inflows to and outflows from the Treasury’s bank accounts within the scope of the transactions of general budget institutions. Cash Balance is calculated as the sum of taxes, non-tax revenues and privatization and funds income minus the expenditures (both interest and non-interest expenditures).
The Johnson Redbook Index is a sales-weighted of year-over-year same-store sales growth in a sample of large US general merchandise retailers representing about 9,000 stores. Same-store sales are sales in stores continuously open for 12 months or longer. By dollar value, the Index represents over 80% of the equivalent 'official' retail sales series collected and published by the US Department of Commerce. Redbook compiles the Index by collecting and interpreting performance estimates from retailers. The Index and its sub-groups are sales-weighted aggregates of these estimates. Weeks are retail weeks (Sunday to Saturday), and equally weighted within the month.
Between 1970 and 2008 Canada had been recording trade surpluses every year. From 2009 the trade balance shifted to deficit, with an exception of 2011 and 2014. In 2018, the largest trade deficits were recorded with China, Germany and Mexico, while the biggest trade surpluses were recorded with the US, the UK and Norway.
Exports account for more than 30 percent of Canadian GDP. In 2018, Canada main exports were: energy products (19 percent); motor vehicles and parts (15 percent); consumer goods (11 percent); metal and non-metallic mineral products (11 percent); forestry products and building and packaging materials (8 percent); farm, fishing and intermediate food products (7 percent); industrial machinery, equipment and parts (7 percent) and basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products (6 percent). The US is by far the largest destination for Canadian products (74 percent of total exports); followed by the EU (8 percent), of which Germany (3 percent), China (5 percent) and Japan and Mexico (2 percent each).
In 2018, Canada imported mainly: consumer goods (20 percent of total imports); motor vehicles and parts (19 percent); electronic and electrical equipment and parts (12 percent); industrial machinery, equipment and parts (11 percent); basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products (8 percent); metal and non-metallic mineral products (7 percent) and energy products (6 percent). Canada's major import partners were: the US (64 percent of total imports); the EU (10 percent), of which Germany (3 percent); China (8 percent); Mexico (3 percent) and Japan (2 percent).
The United States has been running consistent trade deficits since 1976 due to high imports of oil and consumer products. In 2018, the biggest trade deficits were recorded with China, Mexico, Germany, Japan, Ireland, Vietnam and Italy and the biggest trade surpluses with Hong Kong, Netherlands, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Brazil and Panama. China is the top trading partner, accounting for 16 percent of total trade, followed by Canada (15 percent) and Mexico (15 percent).
In the United States, the productivity of nonfarm workers is measured as the output of goods and services per hour worked. Labor productivity is calculated by dividing an index of real output by an index of hours worked of all persons, including employees, proprietors, and unpaid family workers.
Labour Costs refers to the relationship between compensation per hour and labor productivity, or real output per hour, and can be used as an indicator of inflationary pressure on producers.
The United States is the world's third biggest exporter, yet exports account only for 13 percent of GDP. Main exports are: capital goods (22 percent of total exports) and industrial supplies (22 percent). Others include: consumer goods (8 percent) and petroleum (7 percent). In 2018, exports of petroleum reached a record high of USD 172.4 billion. In 2018, main exports partners were: Canada (18 percent of total exports), Mexico (16 percent), China (7 percent), Japan (4.5 percent), the United Kingdom (4 percent) and Germany (3.5 percent).
The United States is the world's second biggest importer. Main imports are: capital goods (22 percent) and consumer goods (21 percent). Others include: automotive vehicles, parts and engines (12 percent) and foods, feeds and beverages (5 percent). Shipments from China represent 21 percent of the total imports followed by Mexico (14 percent), Canada (13 percent), Japan (6 percent), and Germany (5 percent).
In Poland, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.
In Russia, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.
The Gross Fixed Investment in Mexico measures the total value of all acquisitions of fixed assets, both tangible and intangible, obtained as a result of a production process. Those are only ones which can be repeatedly used in other production processes in a period longer than one year. The value represents a year over year change of the gross fixed investment, obtained by aggregating the constant values of machinery and equipment of both national and foreign origin and of construction. They are: buildings, machinery, equipment, transport equipment, software, literary originals and other tangible and intangible fixed assets and additions and upgrades meant to prolong the usage or increase capacity. Considering the machinery and equipment of national origin, only new products are counted. Both new and used imported machinery and equipment increase the value of assets available in the country. The construction gross fixed investment index refers to the investment cost valued at the buyers cost.
The Gross Fixed Investment in Mexico measures the total value of all acquisitions of fixed assets, both tangible and intangible, obtained as a result of a production process. Those are only ones which can be repeatedly used in other production processes in a period longer than one year. The value represents a year over year change of the gross fixed investment, obtained by aggregating the constant values of machinery and equipment of both national and foreign origin and of construction. They are: buildings, machinery, equipment, transport equipment, software, literary originals and other tangible and intangible fixed assets and additions and upgrades meant to prolong the usage or increase capacity. Considering the machinery and equipment of national origin, only new products are counted. Both new and used imported machinery and equipment increase the value of assets available in the country. The construction gross fixed investment index refers to the investment cost valued at the buyers cost.
In Spain, the Consumer Confidence survey is made by phone and covers 1,000 individuals aged over 16 who are representative of Spanish society as a whole. The questionnaire focuses on current economic and financial situation, savings intention as well as on expected developments regarding general and personal economic situation and major purchases of durable goods. The index shows the difference between the percentage share of persons that are optimistic and the percentage of persons that are pessimistic. The index measures consumer confidence on a scale of 0 to 200, where 0 indicates extreme lack of confidence, 100 neutrality and 200 extreme confidence.
In the United Kingdom, BBA Mortgage Rate refers to end month weighted average interest rate of UK monetary financial institutions (excl. Central Bank) sterling revert-to-rate mortgage to households. Mortgage priced at the standard variable rate.
Irish economy is based on foreign trade, industry and investment. The country is major high-tech manufacturer and is one of the world’s biggest exporters of pharmaceuticals and software. On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 44 percent, followed by gross fixed capital formation (19 percent) and government expenditure (17 percent). Net exports adds 19 percent to total GDP as exports account for 114 percent while imports for 95 percent.
In Ireland, construction output refers to the year over year change in the volume of output in building and construction.
From 1995 to 2007, Irish economy was growing rapidly averaging 6 percent a year, benefiting from a rise in consumer spending, construction, and business investment. However in 2008, as a result of a crash in real estate market, economic activity dropped sharply and the country entered into a recession for the first time in more than a decade. After series of economic reforms aiming at reducing budget deficit and government debt, the GDP started to expand from Q3 of 2010 and after three quarters of contraction in 2012, it has gained the status of fastest growing economy in the Euro Area.
In Ireland, Gross National Product (GNP) is the sum of GDP and Net factor income from the rest of the world (NFI), which is the difference between investment income (interest, profits etc.) and labour income earned abroad by Irish resident persons and companies (inflows) and similar incomes earned in Ireland by non-residents (outflows). Because NFI is the difference between two large gross flows, its magnitude can fluctuate greatly from one quarter to another. This can lead to significant differences between the GDP and GNP growth rate for the same quarter.
In Ireland, Gross National Product (GNP) is the sum of GDP and Net factor income from the rest of the world (NFI), which is the difference between investment income (interest, profits etc.) and labour income earned abroad by Irish resident persons and companies (inflows) and similar incomes earned in Ireland by non-residents (outflows). Because NFI is the difference between two large gross flows, its magnitude can fluctuate greatly from one quarter to another. This can lead to significant differences between the GDP and GNP growth rate for the same quarter.
In Germany, the ZEW Economic Sentiment Index measures the level of optimism that analysts have about the expected economic developments over the next 6 months. The survey covers up to 350 financial and economic analysts. The index is constructed as the difference between the percentage share of analysts that are optimistic and the percentage of analysts that are pessimistic about the development of the economy. Therefore, the ZEW indicator measures the confidence on a scale of -100 (all analysts expect the economy to deteriorate) up to 100 (all analysts expect it to improve). A 0 value indicates neutrality.
In Germany, the ZEW Current Conditions Index measures the level of optimism that analysts have about the current economic situation. The survey covers up to 350 financial and economic analysts. The index is constructed as the difference between the percentage share of analysts that are optimistic and the percentage of analysts that are pessimistic about the economy. Therefore, the ZEW indicator measures the confidence on a scale of -100 (all analysts see deteriorating economic conditions) up to 100 (all analysts see improving economic conditions). A 0 value indicates neutrality.
The Euro Area is an economic and monetary union of 19 European countries that adopted the euro as their currency. It is the second largest economy in the world and if it was a country it would be the third most populous with 341 million inhabitants. Germany, France, Italy and Spain are the most important economies accounting respectively for 29 percent, 20 percent, 15 percent and 10 percent of the bloc’s GDP.
The Euro Area is the second largest economy in the world. Of the 19 member states it includes, the biggest are: Germany (29 percent of total GDP), France (20 percent), Italy (15 percent) and Spain (10 percent). On the expenditure side, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 54 percent of its total use, followed by gross fixed capital formation (21 percent) and government expenditure (20 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 47 percent of GDP while imports account for 43 percent, adding 4 percent of total GDP.
In Euro Area, employment change refers to the quarterly change in the number of persons who work for pay or profit, or perform unpaid family work. Estimates include both full-time and part-time employment.
In Euro Area, employment change refers to the quarterly change in the number of persons who work for pay or profit, or perform unpaid family work. Estimates include both full-time and part-time employment.
In the Euro Area, the ZEW Economic Sentiment Index measures the level of optimism that analysts have about the expected economic developments over the next 6 months. The survey covers up to 350 financial and economic analysts. The index is constructed as the difference between the percentage share of analysts that are optimistic and the percentage of analysts that are pessimistic about the development of the economy. Therefore, the ZEW indicator measures the confidence on a scale of -100 (all analysts expect the economy to deteriorate) up to 100 (all analysts expect it to improve). A 0 value indicates neutrality.
South Africa is the most developed country in Africa and was the largest until 2014, when it was overtaken by Nigeria. The largest sector of the economy is services which accounts for around 73 percent of GDP. Within services, the most important are finance, real estate and business services (21.6 percent); government services (17 percent); wholesale, retail and motor trade, catering and accommodation (15 percent); and transport, storage and communication (9.3 percent). Manufacturing accounts for 13.9 percent; mining and quarrying for around 8.3 percent and agriculture for only 2.6 percent.
South Africa is the most developed country in Africa and was the largest until 2014, when it was overtaken by Nigeria. The largest sector of the economy is services which accounts for around 73 percent of GDP. Within services, the most important are finance, real estate and business services (21.6 percent); government services (17 percent); wholesale, retail and motor trade, catering and accommodation (15 percent); and transport, storage and communication (9.3 percent). Manufacturing accounts for 13.9 percent; mining and quarrying for around 8.3 percent and agriculture for only 2.6 percent.
In Sweden, because new orders heavily affect business confidence they are a leading indicator for growth in gross domestic product. The statistics is sample- and register-based and aims to measure short-term changes in new orders and turnover in industry on a monthly basis, in total and by industry, as well as domestic and export market. The survey is coordinated with other economy-based surveys.
In Sweden, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing and mining.
In Sweden, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing and mining.
The production index in construction measures the evolution of output within the construction sector, including building construction and civil engineering.
Austria's economy is dependent on foreign trade and closely linked to the economies of other EU countries, particularly Germany. The major export commodity in Austria is the automobile and its components, machinery and paper products. Austria imports mainly machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, chemicals, metal goods, oil and oil products and foodstuffs.
In Switzerland, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.
In China, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.
Czech Republic is intensively involved in international trade. It engages in the export of numerous manufactured goods that are used in the production of automobiles, furniture, and electrical appliances. Czech Republic imports mainly machinery and transportation equipment, raw materials, fuels and chemicals. European Union is by far its largest trading partner, accounting for about 83% of exports and 65% of imports.
In Czech Republic, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.
In Czech Republic, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.
In Czech Republic, construction output refers to year over year change in construction work performed by enterprises whose principal activity is classified as construction.
In Hungary, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.
In Singapore, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.
Since 2004, France has been recording trade deficits due the gradual erosion of the export-oriented industry, the appreciation of the euro and the increasing dependency on imports of energy and manufactured products. In 2017, the biggest trade deficits were recorded with: China & Hong Kong, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Belgium; while the biggest trade surpluses were recorded with: the Middle East, the UK, Africa and Switzerland.
Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).
In Germany, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 79 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: machinery and equipment (12 percent of total production); motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (12 percent); basic metals and fabricated metal products (10 percent); and computers, electronic and optical products and electrical equipment (10 percent). Construction accounts for 11 percent of total output; and energy production accounts for 10 percent.
In Denmark, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 96 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: food products, beverages and tobacco (23 percent of total production); machinery (19 percent); pharmaceuticals (12 percent); chemicals and oil refineries (10 percent); furniture and other manufacturing (8 percent); basic metals and fabricated metal products (7 percent); and plastic, glass and concrete (5 percent). Mining and quarrying account for 4 percent of total output.
In Denmark, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 96 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: food products, beverages and tobacco (23 percent of total production); machinery (19 percent); pharmaceuticals (12 percent); chemicals and oil refineries (10 percent); furniture and other manufacturing (8 percent); basic metals and fabricated metal products (7 percent); and plastic, glass and concrete (5 percent). Mining and quarrying account for 4 percent of total output.
In the United Kingdom Housing Index refers to Halifax House Price Index. The Index is based on a sample of mortgage data covering around 15,000 house purchases per month.
In the United Kingdom Housing Index refers to Halifax House Price Index. The Index is based on a sample of mortgage data covering around 15,000 house purchases per month.
In Norway, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Extraction and related services is the most important sector and accounts for 67 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Extraction and related services are: Extraction of natural gas (31 percent of total output) and extraction of crude petroleum (30 percent). Manufacturing accounts for 27 percent of total production, mainly: food, beverages and tobacco (5 percent); refined petroleum, chemicals and pharmaceutical products (4 percent); machinery and equipment (3 percent); fabricated metal products (2 percent); ships, boats and oil platforms (2 percent); computer and electrical equipment (2 percent); repair, installation of machinery (2 percent); and rubber, plastic and mineral products (2 percent). Electricity, gas and steam account for 6 percent of total output; and Mining and quarrying account for 1 percent.
In Norway, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Extraction and related services is the most important sector and accounts for 67 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Extraction and related services are: Extraction of natural gas (31 percent of total output) and extraction of crude petroleum (30 percent). Manufacturing accounts for 27 percent of total production, mainly: food, beverages and tobacco (5 percent); refined petroleum, chemicals and pharmaceutical products (4 percent); machinery and equipment (3 percent); fabricated metal products (2 percent); ships, boats and oil platforms (2 percent); computer and electrical equipment (2 percent); repair, installation of machinery (2 percent); rubber, plastic and mineral products (2 percent); and basic metals (2 percent). Electricity, gas and steam account for 6 percent of total output; and Mining and quarrying account for 1 percent.
In Norway, manufacturing accounts for 27 percent of total production, mainly: food, beverages and tobacco (5 percent); refined petroleum, chemicals and pharmaceutical products (4 percent); machinery and equipment (3 percent); fabricated metal products (2 percent); ships, boats and oil platforms (2 percent); computer and electrical equipment (2 percent); repair, installation of machinery (2 percent); rubber, plastic and mineral products (2 percent); and basic metals (2 percent).
In Norway, manufacturing accounts for 27 percent of total production, mainly: food, beverages and tobacco (5 percent); refined petroleum, chemicals and pharmaceutical products (4 percent); machinery and equipment (3 percent); fabricated metal products (2 percent); ships, boats and oil platforms (2 percent); computer and electrical equipment (2 percent); repair, installation of machinery (2 percent); rubber, plastic and mineral products (2 percent); and basic metals (2 percent).
In Switzerland, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force.
In South Africa, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.
In Netherlands, the most important categories in the consumer price index are: housing, water, electricity and gas (24.5 percent of the total weight); transport (11.6 percent) and food and non-alcoholic beverages (11.3 percent). The index also includes: recreation and culture (10.3 percent); furnishing and household equipment (6 percent); clothing and footwear (4.9 percent); hotels and restaurants (4.2 percent); communication (3.3 percent) and alcoholic beverages and tobacco (3.1 percent). Health, education and other goods and services account for the remaining 20.8 percent of total weight.
In Japan, the Leading Composite Index consists of 12 indexes such as account inventory ratios, machinery orders, stock prices and other leading economic indicators. The index anticipates changes in the direction of the Japanese economy in the coming months. In general, increase in the index reflects that the economy is in an expansion phase, and decreasing coincident index reflects that the economy is in a contraction phase. The index is used to make official judgement on when the business cycle begins and ends.
Coincident Index correlates with the business cycle, and is used to identify the current state of the economy. In general, increasing coincident index shows that the economy is in an expansion phase, and decreasing coincident index reflects that the economy is in a contraction phase. The index is calculated using month-over-month percentage changes in 11 leading indicators, 11 coincident indicators, and 6 lagging indicators.
In Australia, interest rates decisions are taken by the Reserve Bank of Australia's Board. The official interest rate is the cash rate. The cash rate is the rate charged on overnight loans between financial intermediaries, is determined in the money market as a result of the interaction of demand for and supply of overnight funds.
Export growth has been a major component supporting China's rapid economic expansion. In 2019 China's exports increased 0.5 percent, slowing sharply from a 10 percent rise in 2018, with sales to the US falling sharply amid ongoing trade tensions. Machinery and transport equipment accounted for 48 percent of total exports, in particular electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances (14 percent), telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment (12 percent), office machines and automatic data processing machines (8 percent), and general industrial machinery and equipment, and machine parts (5 percent). Other major export categories were: miscellaneous manufactured articles (23 percent) on the back of furniture and parts thereof (3 percent); manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (16 percent) such as textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles (5 percent), manufactures of metals (4 percent) and iron and steel (2 percent); chemicals and related products (6 percent); and food and live animals (3 percent). The EU and US were the largest destinations of China's shipments, accounting for 17 percent of exports each, followed by Hong Kong (11 percent), Japan (6 percent), South Korea (4 percent), Vietnam (4 percent), Germany (3 percent), India (3 percent) and the Netherlands (3 percent). The UK, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Russia, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines accounted for 2 percent each.
In 2019 imports to China fell 2.7 percent, the first yearly decline in three years, on weak domestic demand and persistent trade tensions with the US. Machinery and transport equipment accounted for 38 percent of total imports on the back of electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances (21 percent), road vehicles (4 percent), telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment (3 percent), and office machines and automatic data processing machines (3 percent). Other important categories were: mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (17 percent) led by petroleum, petroleum products and related materials (13 percent) and gas, natural and manufactured (3 percent); crude materials, inedible, except fuels (14 percent), such as metalliferous ores and metal scrap (9 percent); chemicals and related products (11 percent) due to organic chemicals (3 percent) and plastics in primary forms (3 percent); miscellaneous manufactured articles (7 percent); manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (7 percent); and food and live animals (4 percent). The biggest source of imports was the EU (13 percent of imports) of which Germany (5 percent) and France (2 percent), followed by South Korea, Taiwan, Japan (8 percent each), the US and Australia (6 percent each), Brazil (4 percent), Malaysia, Vietnam, Russia and Saudi Arabia (3 percent each), and Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia (2 percent each).
Since 1995, China has been recording consistent trade surpluses which from 2004 to 2009 has increased 10 times. In 2019, China posted a trade surplus of USD 421.9 billion, the biggest since 2016, as exports increased 0.5 percent and imports fell 2.7 percent on weak domestic demand and trade tensions with the US. The biggest trade surpluses were recorded with the US, Hong Kong, the EU - in particular the Netherlands, the UK, Poland, Spain, Italy and Belgium - India, Vietnam, the Philippines, Singapore, the UAE, Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia. The largest deficits were recorded with Taiwan, Australia, South Korea, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Malaysia, Oman, Chile and Russia.
In Indonesia, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.
In Australia, Building Permits show the monthly change in the number of total dwelling units approved, including building activity carried out on existing buildings.
In Australia, House Price Index measures weighted average of price movements for residential properties for eight capital cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin and Perth. Residential properties are defined as detached residential dwellings on their own block of land regardless of age. .
In Australia, House Price Index measures weighted average of price movements for residential properties for eight capital cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin and Perth. Residential properties are defined as detached residential dwellings on their own block of land regardless of age. .
The BRC-KPMG Retail Sales Monitor measures changes in the actual value of retail sales from a sample of retailers. The Monitor measures the value of spending and hence does not adjust for price changes. If prices are rising, sales volumes will increase by less than sales values. In times of price deflation, sales volumes will increase by more than sales values. Retailers report the value of their sales and sales in the equivalent week a year ago. These figures are reported both in total and on a ‘like-for-like’ basis. The percentage increase in the value of sales on a ‘like-for-like’ basis removes the effect of the expansion of retail floor space by the retailers concerned on their sales total. Due to the sample being biased towards large retailers, the ‘like-for-like’ increase usually provides a more accurate guide to general spending patterns, though it will be biased downwards as an estimate of the growth rate for retail as a whole.
In Japan, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.
In Japan, Household Spending MoM refers to the monthly change of consumption expenditures (on food, housing, utilities, furniture, clothing, health, education, transport, communication, leisure activities, etc.) in real terms for two-or-more-person households including agricultural, forestry and fisheries households.
In Japan, Household Spending YoY refers to the annual change of consumption expenditures (on food, housing, utilities, furniture, clothing, health, education, transport, communication, leisure activities, etc.) in real terms for two-or-more-person households including agricultural, forestry and fisheries households.
In Japan, wage growth refers to changes in average cash earnings, including contractual and special cash earnings, in companies with five or more employees.
Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Services Index (Australian PSI®) is a leading indicator of services activity in the Australian economy. The Australian PSI is a seasonally adjusted national composite index based on the diffusion indices for sales, orders/new business, deliveries, inventories and employment with varying weights. An Australian PSI® reading above 50 points indicates that services activity is generally expanding; below 50, that it is declining. The distance from 50 is indicative of the strength of the expansion or decline. Results are based on a sample of around 200 companies each month.